Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Play Information from Mrs Reed

Mrs Reed wants to make sure everyone in our community has access to this information sent in an email today.  If you have opinions, please make your voices heard!

Hello everyone!

Marci – thank you for your email!  And – a big thank you to you and your team for putting on a fabulous musical. 

I will be honest, I was blind-sided at the PTA meeting last week.  It is clear that there have been lots of conversations happening about the school play.  I worry that there are some assumptions and rumors going around, and because of this, tempers are flaring, and feelings are hurt.  Please know that most years, our school play conversations have not taken place until the summer months…so I was also confused about the urgency to make decisions. 

To address questions and concerns, I will be starting the conversation via email.  I am doing this so all sides can have access to the facts directly without the information being shared through the community grapevine.  I also want the information available for busy parents who are unable to attend meetings during business hours because of their work schedules. 

We need to remember that we all want the same thing here – to provide a safe and fun fine arts experience for our students.  I am confident we can do that by working together cooperatively!

If you click this link:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xk4-HHnqZ3DTmkZjw4Uz6KUrpe6qthYfH3MuhkPSuhQ/edit?usp=sharing , you will find an FAQ document.  Hopefully, the facts contained here will help put your minds at ease when it comes to the school musical and provide answers and clarity.  Beyond this information, before we think about a meeting, I would like to know exactly what the concerns are and what questions parents have.  This way, a meeting agenda can be more meaningfully planned.

If you have questions or comments for consideration, or additional information to provide please click here:  https://forms.gle/rRjh8x6rFA6MRrZZ6.  If you could have questions or additional information submitted by Friday, May 17, I will review the information, share out, and plan for next steps.

Thank you all for your valuable input and feedback!

Jennifer Reed


Upland Terrace Elementary School

3700 South Sunnydale Drive

Millcreek, UT  84109


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Play Information from Mrs Reed

Mrs Reed wants to make sure everyone in our community has access to this information sent in an email today.  If you have opinions, please m...